Here I'll start a series of South America Travel Guide Reviews , that I hope are useful to my fellow travelers. Comments will be greatly apprecieted!
I have lived in South America for the last 10 years (7 years in peru, 3 in Argentina) and am constantly looking for accurate Travel Guides to recommend to CAT's always demanding clients and to steadily improve our work on giving pertinent and useful info as well. Insight Guide Peru has one noticiable strenght by its side: This is probably the best source of deep background on specific destinationsand activities. As a tour operator in Latin America I always recommend this particular guide when, for instance, travelers are deeply interested in birdwatching in, say , the Manu Reserve in the peruvian amazon jungle, a less well known destination when comparing to Macchu Pichu, the Nazca Lines or Senor de Sipan. Nevertheless, this level of detail is also available for the abovementioned "classic" destinies as well. Visually stunning, Insight Guide is the National Geographic of the Travel Guides.
Have a Nice Day,
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