Approx. 527KM away from Johor Bahru to Kenyir Lake. They (3 families) check in to Kenyir Lake View Resort (N5°08.286' E102°48.663') around noon time. 3 days 2 nights for MYR468.00 person as package rates (inclusive of meals).
Everyone was excited and wake up early in the morning to enjoy their breakfast and start the boat cruise whitin the lake.
Beauty Scenic during boat ride
They went back to the resort for their dinner and take good rest to the third day long journey back to Johor Bahru.
Along the journey back, they meet the Flood of the year (December 2007) at Pekan. The water level was to high to pass through and also force them to de-route from Pekan back to Kuantan, and drive through KL to Johor Bahru. Additional 249KM!
But they are enjoy their slow drive and stop by Seremban for the Famous Authentic Baked Crab dinner!
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