Monday, June 30, 2008
The Rabbi Dances
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Wroclaw -- White Stork Synagogue
In Wroclaw, I visited the White Stork Synagogue. Renovations have been proceeding slowly.... but now the front facade as been restored, and the Aron ha Kodesh (ark) is also almost ready.
We attended a concert by the Norwegian Jewish singer Bente Kahan, who has settled in Wroclaw (thanks to her Polish husband) and in 2006 established a foundation to raise funds to restore the synagogue and also promote educational programs about Jewish heritage and culture and the Holocaust.
I spoke to Bente in her office, which is in the complex of buildings surrounding the synagogue, which also now houses the Lauder Jewish school, a hostel, a couple of cafes.
She told me that enough funding has been secured to enable the completion of the renovation of the synagogue by 2010. She's managed to do this by making her foundation a "neutral, non-profit organization" that, because of its neutrality, can navigate the sometimes treacherous waters between the municipality and the Jewish community.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Cameron Highland in 2003, Pahang
We (family members) rented the whole express bus together with tour guide to Cameron Highland trip on September, 2003.
We taken a break at Ringlet, the first town we reached. Some pictures of Ringlet during 2003. Wonder any changes now??
Basically, it's just a garden full of several of Cactus, flowers, orchids, plants & etc...
If my memory serve me well, one unit cost us RM400 per day with 3 BIG rooms, kitchen, dining hall & living hall. The temperature was between 18° - 20°C.
When everyone settles with their luggage, it's lunch time!
Free & easy session till night for the first day....
Related post :-
* Cactus Valley, Brinchang - Cameron Highland
* Lata (Waterfall) Iskandar at Cameron Highland
My Cameron Highlands Trip - September 2009
* Rosa Passadena Hotel at Brinchang, Cameron Highlands (D1)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wroclaw en Route to Krakow
Coincidentally, or probably not coincidentally, an interview I conducted months ago with Wojtek and Malgosia Ornat, the Jewish tourism entrepreneurs in Krakow who run Klezmer Hois, ran today in the Forward. The Ornats also run the Austeria publishing house, which published "Letters from Europe (and Elsewhere)".
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Giant Butterfly at Taman Daya, Johor Bahru
This rare species always appear around this area? I believe only the residents here can tell.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Hidden Chinese Temple at Bkt. Gambir, Muar Johor
Along the laterite road, you can see the navigate signage everywhere until the temple.
Just feel like a hidden temple.
I snap some photos for sharing......
Related post :-
Foods of Bukit Gambir, Muar Johor.
Bkt Gambir - 100 Years old village at Muar, Johor
Village Life at Bkt. Gambir, Muar Johor
Village's photos - Muar Trip
Some photos you might not see it today......(Pt.2)
Restaurant Double Lim (Assam Fish), Muar. (CNY 2008 Trips)
Friday, June 20, 2008
Synagogue in Jicin, CZ, Restored
Here's the report on the restoration from the International Survey of Jewish Monuments
Restoration of Baroque Synagogue in Jičín (Czech Republic) complete
by Samuel D. Gruber (ISJM)
Following nearly eight years (2001-2008) the restoration of the
magnificent Baroque synagogue in Jičín, North Bohemia (Czech Republic)
is complete. The Prague Jewish Community will officially open the
building to the public on Thursday, June 19, 2008. The restoration
project is part of a continuing effort by the Czech Jewish Community
to reclaim, protect and preserver its historic, cultural and artistic
A Jewish settlement is known to have existed in Jičín in the second
half of the 14th century, but Jews were expelled from the town in
1542-45 and again in 1557-63. The now-restored synagogue was erected
in 1773, more than a century after Jews are known to have been
readmitted to the town. According to Dr. Arno Pařík of the Prague
Jewish Museum, "this is an exceptionally pure example of a small, late
Baroque synagogue." It is a rectangular building, approximately 12.5
meters long and 8.2 meters wide, with a fairly high saddle roof over a
barrel-vault, supported on traverse arches and 90 cm. thick walls.
The sanctuary is well-lit by three tall arched windows on the south
and north walls. Smaller windows are set in the west (façade) and east
walls, the latter dominated by the well-preserved masonry Ark, flanked
by twisted columns. The vivid wall paintings – mostly in reds and
blues – have been restored to their 1840 appearance. Photos of the
restored building will be posted soon at
The building is now one of best preserved late Baroque synagogues
remaining in Central Europe.
The restoration of the synagogue was supervised by engineer Mojmír
Malý at Matana a.s., Administration of Buildings and Cemeteries.
Heritage supervision is provided by the Zecher Foundation for the
Preservation of Jewish Monuments through Dr. Arno Pařík, and the
National Heritage Institute – specialist department in Pardubice.
Financing has been provided by the Jewish Community of Prague, the
Czech Ministry of Culture, the District Authority of Hradec Králové,
and the Municipal Government of Jičín. Financial support for the
synagogue renovation has also been provided by the Jewish Heritage
Program and World Monuments Fund.
A Torah scroll from Jicin is now in the possession of Temple Shir
Tikva in Wayland, Massachusetts (USA).
For more on the history and architecture of the building see Arno
Pařík, "History and Renovation of Jičín Synagogue," Judaica Bohemiae
(40/2004), 104-122.
Shilin Street Snacks Shop @ City Square, Johor Bahru
We also order the "Tien-Pu Rak", but seem like totally different from Taipei??
Related post :-
ran Queen ran King Taiwan Foods Cafe, Tmn Molek Johor Bahru
Taiwan Beef Noodle (Malacca Trip 11-12th Nov 2007)
Taipei Trip 2007, 25th - 30th June
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Foods of Bukit Gambir, Muar Johor.
Every morning (especially weekend), peoples love to have a Kopi-O (black coffee) with toasted bread in this famous coffee shop (N2°12.937' E102°39.496') located at Tmn Mulia, Bkt. Gambir.
If you fell hungry during the midnight, you can try this Yap Kee Prawn mee (noodle). The shop (N2°12.688' E102°39.231') located at the back of the 7-Eleven convenience stall of Bkt Gambir. They open 6pm and close at 2 or 3 in the morning. Special recipe.
That's all I tasted before. Please let me know if there’s any other good food around this area.
Related post :-
* Bkt Gambir - 100 Years old village at Muar, Johor
* Village Life at Bkt. Gambir, Muar Johor
* Restaurant Double Lim (Assam Fish), Muar.
* Leng Kee Bak Kut Teh, Muar, Johor
* Salty Shrimp at Panchor, Muar - Johor.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Beautiful Libraries Around The World
Every single one of us has a place they go to feel relaxed, to feel that special magic. Some travelers focus only on medieval castles, others prefer abandoned factories or haunted houses... I must admit that there is something special about the stillnes and tranquility of silence in libraries. Every shelf filled with a story, a tale to be told, a secret to be uncovered. Todays blog post is devoted to those special many-hundred-year-old buildings. Beautiful Libraries.
An there's an excerpt from the Curious Expeditions blog:
We had a chance to see just such a library on our recent visit to Prague. Tucked away on the top of a hill in Prague is the Strahov Monestary, the second oldest monastery in Prague. Inside, divided into two major halls, is a breathtaking library. The amazing Theological Hall contains 18,000 religious texts, and the grand Philosophical Hall has over 42,000 ancient philosophical texts. Both are stunningly gorgeous. Strahov also contains a beautiful cabinet of curiosities, including bits of a Dodo bird, a large 18th century electrostatic device, numerous wonderfully old ocean specimens, and for unclear reasons many glass cases full of waxen fruit. Our delight was manifest.
Shocked into a library induced euphoria, Curious Expeditions has attempted to gather together the world’s most beautiful libraries for you starting with our own pictures of Strahov. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
Strahov Theological Hall - Original Baroque Cabinet |
Strahov Theological Hall; Statue of John the Evangelist Holding a Book |
Angelica Library, Rome, Italy |
Herzog August Library, Wolfenbüttel, Germany |
Beatus Rhenanus Library, Basel, Switzerland |
Bernadotte Library, Stockholm Sweden |
Biblioteca Angelica, Rome, Italy |
Biblioteca Di Bella Arti, Milan, Italy |
Biblioteca do Palacio e Convento de Mafra I, Lisbon Coast, Portugal |
Biblioteca do Palàcio Nacional da Ajuda Lisboa III, Lisbon, Portugal |
Biblioteca Geral University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal |
Biblioteca Palafoxiana, Puebla, Mexico |
Bibliotecha de la Real Academia De La Lengua, Madrid, Spain
Real Gabinete Portugues De Leitura Rio De Janeiro, Brazil (Possibly the most beautiful library of them all.)
Rennie Mackintosh Library, Glasgow School of Art, Scotland
Blog Archive
- The Rabbi Dances
- Wroclaw -- White Stork Synagogue
- Cameron Highland in 2003, Pahang
- Wroclaw en Route to Krakow
- Giant Butterfly at Taman Daya, Johor Bahru
- Hidden Chinese Temple at Bkt. Gambir, Muar Johor
- Synagogue in Jicin, CZ, Restored
- Shilin Street Snacks Shop @ City Square, Johor Bahru
- Foods of Bukit Gambir, Muar Johor.
- Beautiful Libraries Around The World
- Synagogue in Straznice, CZ, Restored
- Today featured - Johor Bahru Hash
- Bkt Gambir - 100 Years old village at Muar, Johor
- Village Life at Bkt. Gambir, Muar Johor
- Part of Poznan Jewish Cemetery Rededicated
- Travel and Romance?
- It's a horrible night!
- Perling Mall, Johor Bahru
- Photo Of The Day #1