I accidentally dig out my
old photos on
Cameron Highland - 2003. So I decided to share with all of you, and it might bring back some of yours
fond memory...:)
We (family members) rented the whole express bus together with tour guide to Cameron Highland trip on
September, 2003.We taken a break at
Ringlet, the first town we reached. Some pictures of Ringlet during 2003. Wonder any changes now??

Then follow by the
Bharat Tea House (N4°27.242' E101°22.147'). The view was beautiful! I cannot forget the
enjoyment having a morning tea over the
scenery here! Cool breeze and the greenery scene in front of you by the cup of tea in your hand really
make my day!!

The path to the Tea Plantation
Beside the tea shop, there was a small
grocery shop. I wonder it's still there today?!
The MOBILE vegetables seller
After the tea, our tour guide brought us to one of the garden near by -
Rainbow Garden Centre.Basically, it's just a garden full of several of Cactus, flowers, orchids, plants & etc...

It took about an hour after the Garden, we proceed to check-in to the
Golden Wing Apartment (N4°29.540' E101°23.317') at

The apartment was clean & spacious. Too bad I didn't take any photos, I wonder
why? If my memory serve me well, one unit cost us
RM400 per day with 3
BIG rooms, kitchen, dining hall & living hall. The temperature was between
18° - 20°C.
When everyone settles with their luggage, it's lunch time!
Free & easy session till night for the
first day....
Related post :-
* Cactus Valley, Brinchang - Cameron Highland
* Lata (Waterfall) Iskandar at Cameron HighlandMy Cameron Highlands Trip - September 2009* Rosa Passadena Hotel at Brinchang, Cameron Highlands (D1)MY TRIPS - Home
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