Tien Yun Temple located at
Bkt. Gambir.
Main Entrance
As usual, the Bodyguard of the temple
I was follows my brother in-law to this new temple (just build not too long ago), too bad I forgot to bring my
GPS to log down the
coordinates. Because it's located inside a deserted area, there is no proper tar road access to it. The entrance of the road is at somewhere along the
Seng Kang Road, which is not far away from the junction....if you are come from
Bkt. Gambir town.
Along the laterite road, you can see the navigate signage everywhere until the temple.
Just feel like a
hidden temple.
I snap some photos for sharing......

The Main Deities of the temple
On the left side, the man made beautiful pond.....

Just opposite the temple, there's a
30 meter tall
"Kuan Yin" statue.
The Deity located at the left outside the temple

Behind the pavilion above, you can see one row of the
Deities represent the
Chinese Zodiac.

I will get the
GPS Coordinates next time I visit it.
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