This year the
International Kite Festival fall on
17th FEB - 22nd FEB 2009.
There are total 26 countries participate and more than 200 contestants.
I visited the
Bukit Layang-Layang (Kite Hill) (N1°28.552' E103°54.254') on the forth day, to avoid the crowded situation at the weekend.
Quite lucky that, the place were not the pack! Many parking lots available. That time was 5pm.

There were many stalls selling souvenirs and also 'Kite'. The price for one kite
(MYR2.00) was rather cheap!
Dry Flowers Stall
Kite Stall. That guy was promoting his kite...
The Kite Museum and the unique roof top design.
Beside that, all those famous fast food stall also heavily promoting their foods! Like KFC, Pizza Hut and others...
The Chick happily walking around...
There's also the kid ATV and Pocket bike for rental.
MYR10.00 for 15 minutes.
So, let's see what we have here!
Sky ActionsIt was a windy day!
This is the only time where all the
Fishes and others sea creatures are allow to
Fly on the sky, not swimming anymore!

Beautiful Stingray and friend...
Giant Octopus
This is Group Performance.
This Tiger (I think so...) is about to raise....
Even the Fast food also on the sky?!
Kites were everywhere...
The Poor Crocodile stuck on the lamp pole...
Giant Frog
Cheese cake? Or Ice Cream?
Giant Dragonfly??!!
The owner of the Dragonfly and the pros beside...
If there's a up, there's a down...
Ground Actions
The little girl and her little kite...
MMHE's Kite spotted!
Is this a 'Kite'??
Seems like my kite doesn't listen to me anymore...
All the Lady birds are waiting for performance!
Photos under the tent
The Japan Team
The German Team
The Korea Team
The Tailand, Singapore, Malaysia and German Team
Let me have a nap, hopefully my kite is still there when I wake up...
No matter how....I gonna make my baby fly!
The China Team and the Tianjin Power Kite Club
During that time, I manage to watch the Performance from
Mr Ron of
Once the music started, Mr Ron and his kite dance together at the middle of the field.
Mr Ron dancing on the field
The purple kite from Mr Ron disturb by the monster... Others photos
The temporary Toilet
Flags of all the countriesToo bad the
ladies team from China start to perform after I left the Kite Hill....I miss the show...

The Ladies Team from China. The 13 states of Malaysia Kite at the back...
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